Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lots'a 'splody lights an' such

I'm trying to push my computer's limits with the special effects I have available to me. Hopefull I can come up with animate scenes simimilar, if not improved upon quality

Primary Characters (Part One)

Name: Kyle Raven

Age: 27

Profile: Kyle is the reluctant master of the Sihde Unit 1, Brakaus Shiva. He came to Henge City to look after his younger sister but instead found himself reigned in by the Sihde and REALM in their war against the Dragons. When introduced to the story, Kyle is a novice witch of minor reputation but whose power becomes almost god-like the further into one he becomes with Brakaus Shiva.

Kyle is no real hero in any sense of the word. His motives are selfish and cold. Would it not for his sister's health he would have left the Earth to burn at the hands of the Dragons. But for good or ill, he plays the most pivitol role in the outcome of the conflict and perhaps creation itself.

Name: Claire Raynor

Age: 23

Profile: Claire is a dedicated soldier and dedicated to the survival of the human race, to a fault. When she enlisted into REALM, she did so with open optimsim and faith in everything both she and REALM could work towards. Though not as fanatical as Yasanori, she is not prepared to sacrifice those under her command unless she would take the same risks herself. In this she plays a good role as second in command of REALM's forces.

She is, however, not one of Yasonori's top advisors. A position she envies with hidden fortitude. However this lack of trust from REALM's corodinator and her developing, but unrequanted feelings towards Kyle Raven not only develop suspicion in REALM's activities, but also bring about her own self destruction.